Our Staff

Office Staff

Claire Allison

Contact for community partnerships, collaboration, agency engagement 

Director cja008@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Nakell Baker

Contact for VAC, campus and community partnerships

Associate Director nakellb@uark.edu 479 575 4733

Delaney Farris-Dyer

Contact for Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry, Razorback Food Recovery, food donations 

Assistant Director dgfarris@uark.edu 479 575 4179

Katie Brocklesby 

Contact for Passionate about Literacy, civic and community engagement 

Special Projects Coordinator keb046@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Ngoc M. Dai 

Contact for Work Study, Invoice payments

Office Manager ndai@uark.edu 479 575 4145

Karina Escobar 

Contact for Student Engagment 

Graduate Assistant kiescoba@uark.edu 479 713 8660

Paul Gramling 

Contact for  Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry, Razorback Food Recovery

Graduate Assistant  pegramli@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Work Study

Judy Kamau

Front Desk Assistant vac@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Deanna Tran

Front Desk Assistant vac@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Natalie O'Brien

Front Desk Assistant vac@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Victoria Collins 

Front Desk Assistant vac@uark.edu 479 575 4365


Emma Ferguson

Mentor Programs Advisor/VISTA ekfergus@uark.edu  479 575 4365

Thomas Pieralisi

Outreach VISTA tspieral@uark.edu 479 575 4365


Ben Walworth

EXEC President bjwalwor@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Anna Johnson

EXEC VP of Operations  ahj005@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Angela Espares

EXEC VP of Communications avespare@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Said Angeles

EXEC VP of Board Development and Education shangele@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Judy Kamau

EXEC VP of Programming and Community Inclusion jwk008@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Jordyn Moore

Associate of Marketing jom002@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Claire Simpson

Associate of Digital Management claires@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Natalie O'Brien

Historian njo002@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Andrews Brister

Intern Be BOLD ambriste@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Abby Hunter

Intern Dream BIG  aeh056@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Jacob Holmes 

Intern Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry jwholmes@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Sarah Gawron 

Intern Passionate About Literacy (PAL)  segawron@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Wendy Hoffert 

Intern Razorback Food Recovery  (RFR)  wshoffer@uark.edu 479 575 4365

Devan Mishra

Intern Student Engagement  dlmishra@uark.edu 479 575 4365